Conferences and Meetings
( Tonantzintla, Puebla, MEXICO. April 29 - May 3, 1996 )
This is the STARBURST phenomenon in galaxies, to be held
The conference responds to the rapidly growing interest
in the Starburst
phenomenon and the possible links between nuclear
Starburst and AGN activity.The central aim is to provide an
open forum to discuss the most recent
results about the
Starburst activity, and the possible
Starburst-AGN connections.
The conference will
bring together theory and observations (over a wide range
frequencies) of Star Formation and Starbursts, Galactic Winds, HII Galaxies,
Interacting Galaxies, IRAS Ultraluminous Galaxies, and Nuclear Starbursts and
Galactic Nuclei.
1997 Volga Space Plasma Physics Summer School Information
The purpose of these
Summer Schools, held every second summer onboard a river
cruise ship on the Volga and organised jointly by
the Radiophysical Research Institute (NIRFI), Nizhniy Novgorod,
Russia and the Uppsala Division of the
Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRFU), Uppsala, Sweden, is
to give an introduction to modern space plasma physics
by bringing together experienced researchers, young scientists and scholars
in astrophysics, space physics and plasma physics for a
fruitful exchange of ideas across areas of interest, language,
culture and age barriers.
The topics covered
include linear and
non-linear plasma physics, waves and radiation
phenomena in plasma,
waves in random media and turbulence,
planetary, solar and
stellar coronal plasma, plasma under extreme
conditions in space,
space plasma radio emission, radio methods
for investigating space
plasma environments, and the use of
the Earth's ionosphere
and magnetosphere as a space plasma
laboratory for model
experiments simulating phenomena in other plasma
3rd Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts
The symposium will be held October 25-27, 1995 in Huntsville,
75th Anniversary Astronomical Debate Home Page
In April 1920, Harlow Shapley and Heber D. Curtis debated
" The Scale of the Universe" in Washington, DC. 75
years later, in April 1995, in commemoration of the `Great
Debate', Donald Q. Lamb and Bohdan Paczynski will debate "
The Distance Scale to Gamma-Ray Bursts" in the same auditorium.
Martin Rees will moderate. Introductory lectures will be given by
Virginia Trimble and Gerald Fishman. Tickets are free: availability information
is listed through the home page. The home page also
makes available a great deal of background information about the
1920 Curtis - Shapley debate suitable for undergraduate lectures wishing
to mention the 75th anniversary of this historic astronomical event.
7th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the IAU
( Pusan, KOREA. Aug.19-23, 1996 )
The meeting will be held at Pusan National University (Pusan,
Korea), from Aug 19 to 23, 1996. The meeting will
cover almost all areas in Astronomy including Sun and Solar
System, Stellar Astronomy, Interstellar Medium & Galactic Astronomy, Extragalactic Astronomy
& Active Galactic Nuclei, Large Scale Structure & Cosmology, High
Energy Astrophysics, Instruments, and Astronomical History & Education.
AAS Meetings
Aspen Center for Physics
( ACP )
The Aspen Center for Physics is a scientific organization which
promotes organized research in physics, astrophysics and related fields through
a program of individual and collaborative research, seminars, workshops and conferences and which promotes
the education of the general public through public lectures
and other activities.
Astron. Soc. of the Pacific (ASP) conference series
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
( ADASS'94 )
(Baltimore, September 25-28, 1994)
This conference will provide a forum
for scientists and programmers concerned with algorithms, software and software
systems employed in the reduction and analysis of astronomical data.
An important element of the program is to foster communication
between developers and users with a range of expertise in
the production and use of software and systems. We also
hope to expose developers and users to developments in other
areas of computer science which may have applications in an
astronomical context. Contributions to the program are invited in the
areas of algorithms, software, systems, and related topics, with emphasis
on practical solutions to the problems of treating real data.
Key Topics: Astronomical Data Modelling and Analysis, Design and Development
of Graphical User Interfaces, Network Information Systems, Parallel and Distributed
Australian National University Astrophysical Theory Centre
Binary Star Conferences in the near future
( list maintained at MPA )
Catania Astrophysical Observatory
( OAC )
Daily solar images (chromosphere and photosphere)
Colloquium in the framework of IAU Commission N 5
Colloquium "International Cooperation in Dissemination of the
Astronomical Data" was
held in Pulkovo (St.-Petersburg, Russia)
from 2 till 8 July
Converging Computing Methodologies in Astronomy
( ESF funded project )
Three-year funded project ('scientific network'), by European Science Foundation. Planned:workshops
and visits on topics:information retrieval, image processing, artificial vision, emerging
computing technologies, computational intelligence, applied to data centres, wide-field surveys,
image and bibliographic databases and archives.
Cosmological Constant Conference
International Conference on "The Cosmological Constant and
the Evolution
of the Universe", The University of Tokyo (Tokyo,
November 7 - 10, 1995
Recent observational data,
such as the Hubble constant measurements and estimates of the
age of globular clusters, have strongly suggested the existence
nonvanishing cosmological constant. It is, however, quite difficult
to explain
the observationally suggested value on purely theoretical
grounds. The purpose
of the Conference is to bring
together the observational data
and theoretical ideas concerning the
cosmological constant.
Broadhurst, W. Freedman, R. Griffiths, S.
Hawking, E. Kolb,
M. Rees, J. Silk, E. Turner, A.
Vilenkin, S.
Cygnus A Workshop
( NRAO-Greenbank )
NRAO WORKSHOP - CYGNUS A, 1-4 MAY 1995, Greenbank, West
Virgina. This workshop will consider all aspects of Cygnus A;
the galaxy, the various radio features, and the cluster gas.
Topics include:
o The optical galaxy and the nucleus -
the hidden quasar hypothesis; evidence for large extinction; origin of
the radio jet; the effects of the radio jet on
the optical emission.
o The radio jet - composition; stability;
and magnetic field strength.
o The radio hotspots - shock
acceleration to ultra high energies; processes for the X-ray emission;
evidence for bow shocks.
o The cluster gas - reasons
for the two gas distributions; cooling flows; comparison with other
clusters; accuracy of thermal pressure estimates.
o The radio lobes
- inflation, composition, pressure balance, exclusion of ambient gas
Assimilation of different facets for self-consistency - interrelated problems.
Fundamental Stellar Properties: The Interaction Between Observation and Theory
( IAU Symposium 189 )
First announcement, conference in Sydney, Australia,
13-17 January 1997
Global Network of Automatic Telescopes
( GNAT )
Home page of the Global Network of Automatic Telescopes including
white papers, meeting announcements and other information.
Gravitational Lensing Conference
( July 1995, Melbourne )
Gravitational Lensing; University of Melbourne, Australia; July 9-14 1995. ;
Wambsganss, Jerry Ostriker, Ken Freeman, Bohdan Paczynski, Genevieve
Soucail, Jordi
Miralda-Escude, Alok Patanaik, T. Padmanabhan, Peter Schneider,
Richard Ellis, Bill
Press, James Binney, Simon White ;
TOPICS: Quasar structure and
microlensing, quasar variability, luminosity functions,
quasar/galaxy associations, gamma-ray bursts, solar
system studies, Lyman- alpha
clouds, radio rings, lensing deconvolution, lensing
by galaxies, MACHO
searches, structure of our galaxy, limits on
H0, Lambda,
and Omega, clusters of galaxies, HST observations, weak
large-scale structure and velocity fields, numerical simulations.
Heron Island Workshop 1995: Peculiar Velocities in the Universe
These pages contain information and links related to a workshop
held at Heron Island, Australia, on 17-21 July 1995. The
proceedings of the workshop are also available.
IAU Colloquium #159
IAU Colloquium 159, ``Emission Lines in Active
Galaxies: New
Methods and Techniques'', will be held in Shanghai,
People's Republic of China, 17 - 20 June 1996.
The focus of this meeting, which will be co-sponsored by
the International Astronomical Union, the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Chinese Astronomical Society, and The Ohio State University,
will be
on observations and interpretation of emission lines
in the X-ray
to radio spectra of active galactic
nuclei (AGNs) and physically
or phenomenologically related sources. Emphasis
will be placed on new
techniques, including new results
from satellite observatories, emission-line observations in
non-traditional wavebands, imaging
spectroscopy, and reverberation mapping, and on improvements
to the
fundamental atomic and molecular data base.
IAU Symposium No.179 - New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys
International Astronomy Conferences and Meetings
This list of astronomy meetings is compiled by Liz Bryson
of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. This version of the meeting list
has been updated to provide links to those meetings which
are providing information electronically. If you find this list useful
please send e-mail to (Bryson's plain text
version of the file is available via FTP; the
HTML is easier to read, and includes links).
International Space Science Institute
ISSI is an Institute in Switzerland at which scientists from
different countries can work together. Its main task is to
to the achievement of a deeper understanding of the
results from
space-research missions, adding value to those results through
multi-disciplinary research in an atmosphere of international
The main purpose of this workshop is to allow scientists
from both
Western countries and Russia to meet in
order to 1) assess our current
understanding of the
Tunguska event as resulting from field research; 2)
models of the presumed extraterrestrial impact event and inferences
about the nature of the projectile body; and 3) discuss
the implications of
Tunguska on the broader issue of
the impact hazard for human civilization.
Jacob Shaham - Memorial Conference
Memorial conference to Jacob Shaham to be held in Jerusalem
April 27 - May 1, 1996. The lectures will
reflect Jacob's broad
interest in different aspects of Physics
and Astrophysics.
Libarary and Informations Services in Astronomy II Conference
The aims of LISA-II, a proposed IAU Colloquium, are twofold:
(1) to provide the opportunity for librarians of astronomical observatories
and institutes to meet to discuss common problems, and ways
of stimulating greater cooperation between libraries and their services; and
(2) to raise discussion about, and to throw light on,
the interface areas between astronomical libraries and the wide range
of online and other astronomical computer-based services which are becoming
ever more widespread.
MPE, Garching: Upcoming Conferences
MSSSO Heron Island Workshop 1995
The MSSSO Heron Island Workshop on Peculiar Velocities in the
NAS/NRC Space Studies Board
The SSB is an
advisory board within the National Research Council, which is in
turn the operational arm of the National Academies of Sciences
and Engineering. The SSB operates a number of standing committees
and task groups that perform studies in space science and
policy for the federal government.
NGC 1068 Workshop
This web site serves as a call for submissions to
the NGC 1068 Workshop to be held
Schloß Ringberg (Ringberg Castle), Germany, 30 Oct. -
2 Nov.
1996. Included on this page is an
electronic application form for the Workshop, as
as a link to a
Page , with instructions for Poster submissions.
Numerical Astrophysics Using Supercomputers
This workshop ``Numerical Astrophysics Using Supercomputers'' was held from
January 23 to January 25 at the National Astronomical Observatory
Mitaka, Tokyo and more than 70 astronomers/astrophysicists attended the
Covered fields are hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, radiationhydrodynamics,
N-body simulation, numerical
relativity an so on. Objects taken up are from the
proto-planetary disks to the large-scale structure of the universe. More
than 40
papers (oral and poster presentations) were presented. This
was supported by
a two-year grant. In December 1996,
the next workshop on the same topics will be
in Tokyo area.
Oxford Workshop on Evidence for Tori in AGN
Planetary Nebulae
IAU Symposium No. 180
Groningen, The Netherlands, 26 - 30 August 1996
S.T.A.R.S. Workshop
S.T.A.R.S. (Seismic Telescope for Astrophysical Research in
Space) -
Stellar Astrophysics at the Turn to the 21
Century - Announcement of a workshop in Val Cenis,
France 28. Jan. to l. Feb. 1996
Solar Conferences 1994
( Glasgow )
Solar Workshops
( an Italian list )
Southern Astronomical Society Home Page
One of the first
WWW sites of an amateur astronomical in Australia. Set up
for the Southern Astronomical Society, Inc. by the administrator, Zac
Pujic. The site contains general information about astronomy as well
as information about the society.
Space Mechanics Group Home Page
( Space Mechanics Group - Pisa )
Space Mechanics Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, ITALY.
This home page gives access to: People (personal home pages)
Resarch projects (subject home pages) Publications lists Data bases: asteroid
proper elements (ftp server) Announcements of meetings We belong to
European Asteroid Research Node Related information - pointers to other
groups A preprint facility is in preparation A practical information
facility (how to reach us, etc.) is in preparation
( SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering )
SPIE Web, the World Wide Web server of SPIE--The
International Society for Optical Engineering, includes meeting announcements, membership information,
and abstracts of nearly 30,000 papers on optics and related
subjects, including astronomy. The Gateway to Photonics Information is
a set of links to institutions, societies, government agencies, and
other useful resources.
Texas Star Party
( TSP )
The Texas Star Party is a week-long astronomy convention held
in April-May in the Davis Mountains of west Texas.
Over 700 amateur
astronomers observe & photograph the dark
skies, attend daily paper
sessions, hear presentations from prominent
astronomers, and otherwise
socialize with people from all over the
The Cosmic Background Radiation, Strasbourg 96
A NATO Advanced Study Institute
Strasbourg 1996
Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
This resource, maintained by Jean Schneider (Observatoire
de Paris), provides
updated information about the
search for extrasolar planets.
includes a
of Extrasolar Planets and a
list of
The Role of Small Telescopes in Modern Astronomy
The Role of Small Telescopes in Modern Astronomy: The First
Annual Lowell Observatory Fall Workshop.
Largely in response to
the looming closure or privatization
of small telescopes at the
national facilities, a workshop
will be held at Lowell Observatory,
October 14 & 15, 1996,
to consider "The Role of
Small Telescopes in Modern Astronomy."
The objectives of this meeting
* to convincingly demonstrate the critical role of
telescopes in many areas of important astronomical
research, in
education, and in support of space missions
and research on
large telescopes;
* to explore innovative ways in which such
telescopes can
be well equipped and made available to the
during tight budgetary times; and
* to summarize the
available inventory of small U.S.
research telescopes at good observing
University of Vienna - Institute for Astronomy
This is the WWW server of the Institute for Astronomy
at the University of Vienna in Austria and provides information
about the Institute and the Stellar Surface Structure conference in
october 95. Further on, an electronical version of the Delta
Scuti Star Newsletter is distributed.
URANIA - Meetings
Astronomical Center Of Alta Val Trebbia / Centro Astronomico dell'Alta
Val Trebbia. Genoa, Italy.
Urania Astronomical Organization
Weaving the Astronomy Web
( WAW )
A Conference organized at Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, Strasbourg, France
(6-7 April 1995). This Conference is intended to be
forum for astronomical data providers, webmasters, astronomers and
space scientists
interested in the current and future developments
of the World-Wide
Web, and more generally of electronic
on-line information handling in
an astronomy and space sciences
Proceedings are available on-line.
( Astrophysics on the Web )
WebStars, at NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center,
is about astronomy & astrophysics; the Space Science Web
software & icons downloading; WWW technical pages &
style guides;
on-line articles about astronomy on the Web;
HEASARC/StarTrax Browse and
other online services; and virtual reality.
If you have a
document or resource you wish
to be included, send me
the text (preferably HTML)
or a URL. WebStars is referenced
by many other
sites on the Web. It has been
expanded and
reorganised extensively since its first announcement in February,
visit again! The What's New page lists file change
dates, to help you discover updates. Also, there are New
Additions areas.
WORKSHOP: HI in the Local Universe
A Workshop: "HI in the Local Universe" - Sydney May
13-15 1996
Young European Radio Astronomers Conference
( YERAC electronic proceedings )
The electronic proceedings of the XXVIIth Young European Radio Astronomers
Conference, which was held in Cambridge, UK, 1994 September 18th
to 23rd.
Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli